Asian shore crab
Asian Shore Crab
©Martin Burke

You are about to submit a record for Asian Shore Crab. If this is incorrect please close this window.


The date you saw this (dd/mm/yyyy). Required

How many you saw, in numbers



Any extra information about what you saw.

Please upload a photo, if you can, to help us confirm your sighting. (png,gif,jpg. Must be smaller than 1MB although we can resize photos automatically most of the time.)

To help you find your location quickly, enter a place name or postcode below, then click on the map to mark the location of your sighting.

To tell us where you saw this, find your location on the map and click there. The more you zoom in, the more accurate the position.

E.g. name of site, village or town.


Normally, clicking on the map will enter this information. If you have a problem with the map you can enter a grid reference here. Required.

Change this if you have a GPS location in lat/long.

Select if known.

Please describe the habitat where you saw this.


Submitted records will go to the Marine Biological Association and partner organisations for verification but your contact details will not be passed on to anyone else. We ask for your details because we may wish to follow up your sighting.

Species data (accompanied by your name but no other personal details) will be made publicly available including upload to the National Biodiversity Network Gateway and archive with the DASSH Data Archive Centre.

We are very grateful for the species record you have supplied.



Name or initial. Required.





If this box is ticked we will email confirmation of your identification.